General information
KARTOTEKA_Certification authority (KARTOTEKA CA) issues certificates of electronic digital signatures for electronic documents circulation. Being the regional representation office, the STATUS Law agency renders the service of issue of electronic digital signatures accepted by all registration and regulatory state authorities.
An electronic digital signature is issued for the following needs:
EGAIS (Certificate of the Unified State Automated Information system);
Certificate of Competent Electronic Signature (CES) (Encrypted and Certified Digital Signature) for reporting to FNS (Federal Tax Service) of the Russian Federation, FSS (Social Insurance Fund) of the Russian Federation, Federal State Statistics Service and for publication of information in open sources;
Certificate CES for participation in on-line auctions and publication of information in the EFRSB (Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information);
Certificate CES for Federal Financial Monitoring Service, Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications and Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage;
Certificate CES for reporting to the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushcestvo);
Certificate CES for reporting to the Bank of Russia Financial Markets Service;
Certificate CES for the Unified Federal Register of Information on Facts of Activity of Legal Entities (EFRSFDUL);
Certificate CES for the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography;
Certificate CES for using the State Services web portal;
Certificate CES for cooperation with the portal EIAS FST (Unified Information and Analytical System of the Federal Tariff Service).
Kommersant KARTOTEKA certification authority renders the service of licensing to obtain the right to use СryptoPro CSP of CIPF (Cryptographic Information Protection Facility), certified USB key Rutoken/CERT, etc. All the certificates and services mentioned are provided to customers by The STATUS Law agency with 10% discount of the regional representative office. Our staff will help you choose an appropriate ETS (Electronic Digital Signature), prepare all documents required for submission to the Certification authority. Prices for issuing of a competent electronic signature are available on the website of our agency or on the website of the Certification authority.
You only need to submit documents according to the list specified on the website of the Kommersant KARTOTEKA CA. This information is also available in the special section on our website.